We are interested in quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, photo essays, author interviews, and reviews of new books of poetry and prose. We impose no restrictions on category or type of submission for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. We only accept writing that has not been previously published, whether in print or online.
We are open for submissions from September 1st through December 1st, and from February 1st through May 1st. We will be closed for submissions during the summer months.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but we ask that you notify us of this at the time of submission. If your submission has been accepted elsewhere, please withdraw the piece or make a note via Submittable. Multiple submissions are not accepted and will not be read. Please wait until you receive a response from us before submitting again. Please allow four to six months for a decision and submit no more than twice a year.
Contributors to our print issues receive a one-year subscription to The Journal and two contributor’s copies, and contributors to our online issues receive a one-year subscription to The Journal. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to offer monetary payment to our contributors. Recent contributors, please wait at least one year from when your work appears in The Journal before submitting again.
Fiction: We welcome literary fiction submissions of all forms, including those that incorporate experimental or genre elements. Though we generally do not publish straight genre fiction, we are always excited to read speculative work and frequently publish non-realist fiction. We encourage submissions from all marginalized people, including but not limited to people of color, LGBTIA and the gender non-conforming, and those with disabilities.
All fiction submissions should be double-spaced, Times New Roman. We are happy to consider self-contained excerpts of novels and long stories, but please note that historically it is unusual for us to publish stories longer than 8,000 words. If you are submitting flash fiction, you are welcome to submit up to three 1000-word stories in a single .doc or .pdf document.
Essays: We are interested in nonfiction in any form, though we rarely publish academic writing or straight reportage. We welcome memoir, personal essay, lyric and experimental work, hybrid forms, new journalism and non-academic cultural criticism. And while we are open to all aesthetic and stylistic approaches, we especially value writing that is fresh, honest, self-aware, and well expressed.
We try to respond to submissions within four months, though it sometimes takes longer, and we generally don’t publish work over 6,000 words.
Poetry: We are looking for fresh, surprising work that impresses us with its technique and technical control. We want poems with heart (emotional clarity and complication) and brains (theoretical engagement, logic and metaphors that stand up to further contemplation, mastery of syntax and diction). We are committed to publishing underrepresented voices, and we also appreciate work in which the author has a stake: poems that feel both true and necessary. Put simply, we are looking for poems that we would be happy to read over and over again, poems in which we could appreciate new meanings, details, and connections each time. Please limit poetry submissions to 3 – 5 poems grouped in a single .doc or .pdf document.
Reviews and Interviews: Reviews should double-spaced and be no more than 1,200 words. We are particularly interested in reviews of new books that have been published within the last two years. Interviews should be double-spaced and between 6 – 12 pages.
Art: We’re interested in visual art of all media. We are looking for a cohesive suite of work that demonstrates a clear point of view. Please send 6 – 10 pieces of art and include a short bio with your submission.
Photo Essays: We publish photo essays in our online issues. Please send a collection of photos that shows curatorial intent and direction along with an introduction of up to 250 words contextualizing the work.
The Journal no longer accepts submissions via US mail. Please submit through our online submission manager: Submittable Online Submission System. Before submitting, please make sure you paste your intended piece(s) into a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf document.
Please withdraw submissions using the online submission system. For withdrawals of a single poem from a packet, there is no need to withdraw the entire submission; simply leave a comment on your submission via the submission manager.
For guidelines about submitting to The Journal/OSU Press Wheeler Poetry Prize, please go here.
For guidelines about submitting to the Non/Fiction Collection Prize (formerly The Short Fiction Prize), please go here.
For those that cannot access Submittable due to disability, please email managingeditor@thejournalmag.org .
Please address all concerns or queries to the appropriate editor:
Managing Editor, managingeditor@thejournalmag.org
Fiction Editor, fiction@thejournalmag.org
Nonfiction Editor, nonfiction@thejournalmag.org
Poetry Editor, poetry@thejournalmag.org
Art Editor, art@thejournalmag.org
Reviews and Interviews Editor, reviews@thejournalmag.org
In order to comply with federal, state, and local laws (including the Ohio Public Records Act), as well as Ohio State policies, communications with The Journal may be required to be disclosed publicly.